'Tear bottles' have an ancient heritage.
Used by ancient Greeks, they are also referred to in the Bible.
Pilgrims of old carried tear-shaped vessels on long journeys.
Victorians caught tears in vessels and waited for them to evaporate,
symbolising an end to their mourning.
In 2015 ceramic artist Deborah Tompsett presented her installation
‘A Thousand Bottles of Tears’
in various parts of inside Chichester Cathedral.
The work received wide acclaim and many positive comments
from visitors from across the world.
Each bottle is distinctly individual,
fashioned by Deborah on a traditional potter's wheel.
The bottles are made from fist sized lumps of mixed clay,
with sizes varying from a baby's fist to a large male hand.
An individual's fist is estimated to be of equal size to the heart.
Since 1025 interest in this ancient tradition has been growing
prompting various artists and charity activists to join the journey.
The powerful emotional responses that the concept of tear bottles can evoke
has led filmmaker John Forrest and Deborah to explore possibilities for
charitable work linked with mental health.
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